Friday, May 14, 2010

So what it was a school day? We are scouts,you see.Note: Nobody should copy this without learning how and why we could.

       So the morning started with Jian-Yong cold as usual walking and me joining Yu Beng and Wei Jin to walk about.I also found out I wake up as though im 100% awake eventhough I was still sleepy. Then it was morning exercise lead by Gaban and Wern Kit. Those kids sure do love their exercise,a whole lot that they were even cheering. Then it was morning istiadat followed by MI.Lots of things to improve but better than the first lot in this school,i will admit.(a.k.a my year).The guys didnt line up as the inspection team lead by Mr.J-Y arrived.Mav was the point taker and co-inspector of Jian-Yong. I was assisting. Wheee one group got a muddy spot but were quite good.

 Then it was mud trench V4 filling with Kin Yen and Wei Khai.This was eventually followed by closing up the pit with rafia,courtesy of Kin Yen Idea Works.Then I went to the kitchen where,I helped to cut garlic.we were joined by people who were going for recess such as Shin Lin,Khai Jett, Xyrene, and lots of other people.The people there already were Yu Feng,Wei Jin and Yi Lyn.We were joined by JJ who trashed me in cutting garlic.Then everyone began to rush to build stuff.

 Eventually Wei Khai dragged me to go and build the monkey bar.I was fast but tight.And I kept pointing it out,I better go for some extra humility lessons.And that came in the form of me tying the knots up on the bamboo at a nice elevated from the ground point.In other words,my fear of heights+need to make tight knots=slow tying and lots of I hate heights from me. in the end I did do the job.Yu Feng was strict enough to cut our knots and make us redo the support to make it stronger but the bloody dragon of a bamboo was light that it would move quite a bit.

 Then it was time for cooking.I helped in cooking the Bolognese Sauce and Potato Wedges.JJ did the Kampung Garam Ayam.While Yu Feng handled the omellete and sausages were cared for by Tsen Vei.Gaban and Kin Yen were initially in charge of the wedges but I replaced Gaban,after I followed Darren to get Ice and Sugar.The sauce brought fear and annoyance to us all since it tasted mainly like tomato.But in the end,Yi Lyn,me,Yu Feng,Mr.D and Miss Lim May managed to fix it.Full story,ask Yi Lyn or me.

 I was then handling traffic control during MK with Wei Jin.the roads were clear except for the cars which werent heading to the school and Mr.Wong,Idaham and a few other teachers cars. So yea,nothing much to do except a dog began following me.........scary.........and to Wei Jin's laughter of course. Then it was dancing queen time for the Form 5 followed by Sorry Sorry Form 4.
  Later,the form 5's stepped down as the form 4 stepped up.Good speech JPL's and Kin Yen,Khai and of course our replacements speech.Then it was take down everything time.I looked a mass murderer walking with a parang to cut the monkey bar down.

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