Thursday, October 29, 2009

Enigma,Death and Strength

Tarot cards,real interesting. Accurate but its also rather general so it shouldnt be taken seriously. Confused? Well today Kimberly brought Tarot Cards and was reading it.I got the above cards,just that all of them were upside down,strange everyone else had a mix of upside down and rightside up.

Anyways it freaked out lots of people.Amused most of us and some were pleased. Mine was interesting,quite true so far yet it seems that it can a shaker when your joking only to hear the truth coming out.

On other stuff,157th Petaling aka Flaming Dragons Scout Group are officially Saturday lovers. Hopefully we can keep everyone happy by smart maneuvering and a few political moves. School politics,its simple against national but its the ramp to reach it.

On a certain Bio Project,im almost fully done,just need to print and present..........wheee presentation!!!! Hopefully its ok enough not another everyone is blur fest.

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