Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cheese normally doesnt rot but exams sure do help

This week is yet again another exam filed week...............this will last till next week.....Help!!!!Help!!!Its way too long!!!!!

So let's get back to the point,Monday was a long day with BM,BI:Part 2,which means Literature,Grammar and so on.

Tuesday is a slow killer with Bio going ok enough,English putting me into a drowse,finding out that my history subjective really did look like guessing...........Then it was Physics which had me rushing.

Wednesday was a wasted morning with me disturbing lots of people then it was BM after recess,I finished fast enough that Thina was shocked and he kept on talking about it till some people called me crazy(joking voice from them,some were serious though) .

Today was Physics again.............its gonna appear next week too!!!!This paper had me wondering whether I messed up the formulas or is it the teachers fault?

Anyways tomorrow has Mod Maths,Hopefully its easy.Good Luck to all those taking PMR and the other exams.

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