Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wrenching of Delilo

Men quickly rush off towards the left flank.Yes,Blood Prince.Cavalry charge the rear in 5 minutes.Aye sir.Confused?well currently Balin and his army are striking the enemies fortifications.Refort is currently raiding the enemies camps.While Todric has went off north to find a lost city.Lokric on the other hand was sighted gathering a group of wizards for who knows what.Men hold off the enemies for another 3 minutes.Sir the enemies are flanking us. We will have to fall back 10 steps then men.Yes sir.By falling back 10 steps they oddly got a nice dry position while forcing the enemies to fight in mud.The Cavalry charge had forced the enemies to be caught between Balin and his men.Men strike the enemies from the right then move downwards and cut off the left.Aye commander.Oddly enough doing that move had cut the enemies forces into 4 separate fighting groups while keeping Balins force as one whole fighting unit.O yes it formed a cross oddly enough.Sir we have just won they just dont know it.Great.

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