Saturday, February 28, 2009

Regarding the Sane and Insane

Remember that the sane are really insane people who regard sane people as being insane.O.O I may have just typed a parody..........

The people who regard themselves as sane are really dull,dimwits who can never see the brilliant parts of the world.They will diminish the lights of those who see a new path for humanity,animality and plants.If that is the case then perhaps it is better to eliminate the term sane and insane in order to open up the path to true sanity.

Insane people are people who can glimpse light at the edge of boredom,hear when others are deaf and taste the pure taste of freedom.Freedom unbound by rules of confrontation or limitations of the "sane".The right to create a world of their own,to write,type or even tell of worlds,places,theories,stories and even creatures so prosperous and grand.They are even granted a purpose that is unique and clean of any dirt from the evils of sanity.

For people who are in between,they are curious cats who should be respected yet feared.For they are given a style that is both free and bounded.They are given personalities that are grim or strict from their torture or their visions.Their visions have been caught between the sane's limits and the insane freedom.So what are their weaknesses? We will never know,or perhaps I just dont care for them,Apathy,perhaps.

From Timothy,Ant, and TOdric

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