Sunday, September 14, 2008

Presentation of headaches

Umm so you all know what I mean by headaches heres what happened,I was at confirmation class and we had to present this topic on the Great Schism.You know where the Orthodox and Latin church divide.Well im not sure whether i should be happy with the thought that either language is confusing since i really havent or dont understand either.

But anyways presenting the topic had my group worried.Well since obviously some of us didnt understand and those who did barely did cept in the end we used the marvelous power point by Lydia.Chris seemed to understand a bit.But really David was the only one who understood almost as well as me.

The presentation itself was ok.But in the end i was the one to do the last explanation a bit too fast.Cuz the first used the powerpoint.I connected a picture to the whole topic and made an explanation which i think at least Amanda and Mark as well as group seven(the alert ones) and maybe a few others understood while the rest were probably blur trying to cram the info.

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